Sunday, September 21, 2008

Kamo Vs Sheep

Wynnie, Kyah and I went to Wynnie's breeder's house to play with some sheep and ducks. Kyah just watched but Wynnie and I had a blast. I have only seen sheep off and I was very excited to be getting a lesson all by myself. Dawn says that I am very strong, very fast and VERY enthusiastic. She called me a 112lb freight train. Wow, what a work out. I made her run so fast. 

What is in here .. Oooo SHEEP!

How come you got to go in but I have to stay out here??

Hey watch me fly

Mock 500!!

This one tried to get away!! What would you guys have done if I wasn't here?
This is so much Fun!! I LOVE this new game!

I can't wait until I can go back again. Dawn promised me that we would be able to practice as much as possible this winter. It is so much fun.  I know I already said that, but I really did have a blast.  

That'll Do,

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