Monday, November 24, 2008

Kamo vs. Santa ... Rottweilers Rule

I have been trying to get some christmas shopping done and that means buying for family pets as well. My cousin Alanna's golden retriever puppy just recovered from a nasty battle with parvo and I thought that she deserved a nice present for christmas. I noticed these squeaky mats in the order catalogue at work and thought she would like a santa mat with 16 squeakies!!!

Kamo and I have a little ritual while we train. We do some exercises and he gets treats and gets to play with his squeaky tennis ball after, but if I ask him to do something that he seems to have a bit of a hard time getting then we jackpot in the toy bag. I always have a little bag full of his favorite squeaky toys and we run and he gets to choose which ever he wants and we play with it. I had the santa tucked away in my work bag (I did not even think that he knew I had the toy) and we were practicing finishes in the living room. He has decided that he would prefer to finish to the right instead of the left lately and when he did one PERFECT and with lots of animation I told him to run and pick a toy ... he knows the drill ... but he took off the other way and came back with the santa ... little bugger!!!

I told him that he could not have that one ... pick another but he looked at me like this ...

Plleeeaassse can I have it?? Please!

ughh how can anyone resist that face! He knows how to play hard ball. But I stuck to my guns and I took it away. we played with squeaky duck and life was happy for him again. Then I went and had a bath. When I came out I seen this ...

What? Isn't this where you left him?
Notice that Santa is now a flat mat. He was tied together and still had his tags on before he miraculously ended up on the dog bed.
Santa is very talented. Of course he does make it ALL the way around the world in one night

Kamo has 2 obsessions in life ... one is swimming and the other are toys that squeak. This toy has 16 squeakers in it and it was apparently too much for him to handle. I decided that it was destiny that Kamo and Santa be together. It has been a long time since I allowed him to destroy a toy ... mostly because I hate cleaning up the fuzz but today I was feeling extra nice and I let him have at er'. I think he was pretty happy!!

I can't believe she is letting me destroy this toy!
She must have gone insane.
Maybe if I don't look at her, then she can't see me either!
I am going to start with the tip of Santa's hat.

He had so much fun ... and is just super cute to boot.
I sure love this little guy!


Sunday, November 16, 2008

A neat way to share pictures

I created a cube of pictures of Kamo and Logan. I hope that this works and everyone can see it. If it does work then I think I may have a new obsession. It turns out kinda neat.
