Sunday, September 28, 2008

4 Legged Friends

I loved showing you guys my buddies and these guys are no exception.  I get so excited to see my friends and we run and run and run when we are together.







If you have time today you should go and play with a friend!


Friends ~ of the 2 legged variety

It seems that I am a pretty popular guy.   Everyone needs a friend ... and I have lots.  Come and See!!!

This is Koshy and I. 
Koshy is a veterinarian from India who worked at my clinic for awhile. I really liked him.
Look how tiny I was.

This is Janet
We used to work together
She is lots of fun

This is Cassandra and I.
We liked to have lunch together when I was small.
We still like to have lunch together now.
She spoils me a lot and lets me come up on her knee.
It is fun that we work together.

This is Jeanine and I
That is her in the brown shirt.
We run around the ring together and I stand real nice for her while she gives me treats ... it is a great friendship.
I like her a lot.  Dawn says I should stop jumping in her when I see her
I think she does not mind

Here is Christie and I.
Christie wanted me to come to Alberta from the very first day I was born.
She has a dog named Eve who is one of my very best friends.
We also got our picture taken together on Halloween.  
I think we look so scary!!!

This is Logan.
We are best friends.  We have lots of pictures together but these are some of my favorites.
We like to play together ... in the first picture we are playing trucks.
I really love him.
I also like to make sure that he cleans in all the hard to reach places

Everyone is friends with this guy
I think he likes me a lot

This is Payton
She is the daughter of Wynnie's breeder so in reality she belongs to Wynnie.
I think that she likes me best though.

I met these 2 park rangers when we were camping in July 2008 

This is Tammy.  She is teaching me how to play with sheep

This is me and Dawn
Don't we look great together?
Well those are a lot of my friends.  I have more but they don't all have pictures with me.  I hope that you all have wonderful friends who share your life.

Tail Wags,

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Kamo Vs Sheep

Wynnie, Kyah and I went to Wynnie's breeder's house to play with some sheep and ducks. Kyah just watched but Wynnie and I had a blast. I have only seen sheep off and I was very excited to be getting a lesson all by myself. Dawn says that I am very strong, very fast and VERY enthusiastic. She called me a 112lb freight train. Wow, what a work out. I made her run so fast. 

What is in here .. Oooo SHEEP!

How come you got to go in but I have to stay out here??

Hey watch me fly

Mock 500!!

This one tried to get away!! What would you guys have done if I wasn't here?
This is so much Fun!! I LOVE this new game!

I can't wait until I can go back again. Dawn promised me that we would be able to practice as much as possible this winter. It is so much fun.  I know I already said that, but I really did have a blast.  

That'll Do,

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Swimmin' With the Fishes

My very, very favorite thing to do in the whole entire world is SWIMMING.  I could swim for hours and hours without stopping.  It is so much fun.  I was not very sure about the swimming stuff when I was little though.  I needed a lot of coaxing to get in the water and even then I was the king of wading.  This was my idea of swimming:

Dawn would throw the stick and Wynnie would go get it ...

Then I would take it from her ...

... And run over the hill triumphant!!!
Soon I was given my very own life jacket ... remember safety first!!  I followed Wynnie into the water but I was still just wanting to go up to my chest.  It is very scary to not have my feet on the ground, but I wanted to have that stick so bad.  The best I could do was splash around and bark a lot.  I might not have been able to swim but I could make a HUGE splash!
Whoo Hoo!!  In coming
Eventually I had to be brave ... I mean really, could I let a little australian shepherd get the stick all the time??  I think not!   I started by wadding in deeper and deeper and then one day I just jumped in.  Then I think I might have almost drank all the water in the dug out!  YUCK.  But I did it and I was pretty proud of myself.  I started swimming more and more and soon I was not even tasting the water.  

Look at me go
I love it when Logan comes to the lake with me.  We have so much fun.  I can't wait until he can throw the ball really far.

He is my best friend

Now I am a very strong swimmer.  Dawn and I go to the lake almost every day in the summer time.  I know the way now and when we get in the Jeep to go I can hardly contain myself.  I can swim so far out now.  I am such a big boy :o)

If you get a moment to take a dip in a cool lake ... throw a ball for me!  

Next ~ I meet some wollies!

Tail wags, 

Thursday, September 18, 2008

SNOW much fun!

Like I have said before, I was born in January so it was very snowy and cold.  Some of my brothers and sisters were able to go and live with families in very warm climates but I thought that Alberta sounded good too ... until I got here!  It is REALLY COLD in the winter.  Brrrr.  At first I was not very happy with having to walk out in the snow every day.  It made my tummy and my feet cold and I wanted to go in right away.   I was not having fun.

One day when I was at grandpa's house, I was playing out in the field with the big dogs and I forgot about how cold the snow was on my feet.  I started to have lots and lots of fun and I was learning so much.

Wynnie chased me until my feet were not cold anymore ... she is always thinking of me
Then Toes and Kyah taught me the fine art of tracking

Eventually I got the hang of this snow stuff
Now I LOVE the snow.  I have learned that it isn't cold ... it is FUN.  The best time is when I play in the really deep, fresh snow.

I especially like to run through the really deep snow!

It tastes good too!!

If you ever get the chance to play in the snow I would recommend it.  It is so much fun ... and is one of my very favorite things to do.  Make sure that you bring lots of toys though because that is what makes it fun.

Happy Snow Days,

Next my favorite activity of all ... Swimming!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

In the Spotlight

When I was 7 months old I was introduced to the world of dog shows.  My very first one was on outdoor show and it was VERY hot.  Dawn gave me a good bath and told me how handsome I was to get me all ready for my very first time in the ring.  My friend Jeanine put my shiny collar on me and away we went.  Dawn was pretty nervous to see how I would do and wondered if I would be a good boy for Jeanine.  I am not sure what she was worried about I am always good.  To be honest, I am not sure what the fuss is all about.  We relax beside the ring, then we go in and stand around while I get treats, then we run around a bit, more treats and then a big hug ... pretty easy really.  Here is a picture of me at my first show.  I won Winners Dog, Best of Winners AND Best of Breed as a little baby.  Dawn was pretty excited.  I just loved the treats.   

Next we played outside again at attended a german style sieger show.   There was a lot of standing around again but this time I got to play with toys that Dawn was showing me from outside of the ring.  In this show the judge uses a microphone and tells everyone what he thinks of how I look.  I wasn't listening but Dawn told me that he said nice things.  I met a new friend here.  Her name is Gwen and she helped me look my very best for the judge and we got to run around the ring together.  It was a lot of fun.  I was first in my class and got a VP-1 rating.  Dawn tells me that that is great.  This show was a lot of fun and I hope that I will get to go to one again some day.  Here are a few of my pictures.

I got the last points that I needed at the Camrose show when I was a little bit older.  Jeanine went into the ring with me again and I was such a good boy.  I stood like I was supposed to and I did not even wiggle when the judge checked me out.  There were lots of treats again ... and lots of hugs and kisses when we came out of the ring.  I think I like this show biz stuff!!  I am now a Canadian Champion.  Here are more pictures AGAIN!!

I am now known as
  Ch Esmond's U Can't See Me

Next ...  fun in the snow